Why Did Kristi Noem Kill Her Own Dog? Everything to Know

Why Did Kristi Noem Kill Her Own Dog? Everything to Know - GlobalCurrent24.com
International News Regarding Trump’s VP Contender Kristi Noem – Why Did Kristi Noem Kill Her Own Dog?
Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota, a Republican and rumored candidate for Donald Trump’s vice presidential selection in 2024, has drawn criticism for her admission in her recently published memoir that she killed her dog.
The Guardian revealed that, after obtaining a copy of No Going Back: The Truth on What’s Wrong with Politics and How We Move America Forward ahead of its publication next month, Noem wrote that she shot 14-month-old Cricket, a dog she had planned to train for pheasant hunting, dead after the dog destroyed a hunt, killed the chickens of another family, and moved to bite her.
According to a report in the Guardian, Noem claimed that Cricket had an “aggressive personality” and was “untrainable.” In an attempt to teach the dog, Noem took Cricket on a pheasant hunt with more experienced dogs, but Cricket went “out of her mind with excitement, chasing all those birds and having the time of her life.”
She claimed to have called Cricket and then attempted to tame the dog with an electronic collar. While traveling home, Cricket got out of Noem’s truck and killed a neighbor’s chickens, for which Noem paid. The politician wrote that the dog then “whipped around to bite me.”
Noem said, “I realized I had to put her down” after that. She walked Cricket over to a gravel pit, where she shot the dog to death.
A male goat that Noem described as “nasty and mean,” with a smell that was “disgusting, musky, rancid,” and that “loved to chase” her kids, bringing them to the ground and scuffing their clothes, was also killed. The goat in the gravel pit was also killed by her, though it apparently required two shots to kill it.
Noem explained that she told the Cricket story to demonstrate her willingness to do what was “difficult, messy, and ugly” in life and politics when it came to what was necessary.
“We love animals, but tough decisions like this happen all the time on a farm,” Noem wrote on X on Friday in response to the criticism. We recently had to put down three horses that had been in our family for 25 years, which is regrettable.
She ended by including a link to her book and saying, “Preorder No Going Back if you want more real, honest, and politically INcorrect stories that’ll have the media gasping.”
Here’s everything you need to know about American politician Noem, who is currently experiencing unprecedented interest.
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