Stop Taking These Foods To Avoid ‘Pot Belly’ – Health Tips

Foods And Habits To Desist From To Help Avoid 'Pot Belly' |
Do you have a ‘pot belly’ and wanting to get rid of it? Or you know anyone who has excess visceral fat? Then, stop taking these foods to avoid ‘pot belly’.
Pot belly is a serious health condition and also very dangerous to your heart. The excess intake of some junk foods results in pot belly which is extremely unhealthy. Here are a few foods to stop taking to avoid ‘pot belly’
Overweight is a condition you can’t smile about, it’s one that attracts numerous dangerous health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, kidney disease, and many more. These conditions are tagged dangerous because they have caused countless premature deaths to humans.
In this context, we will delve into ways you can avoid pot belly in order to have a stable health and a greater chance of survival.
Avoid The Consumption Of Alcohol

“Oh yeah, I don’t drink, I’m just an occasional drinker”, this is a popular say from famous drunkards. This motto and automatic reply of theirs is one that gives them leverage never to stop consuming alcohol.
According to data gathered by, the consumption of alcohol could result in a negative effect on your liver. If your aim is to reduce belly fat or ‘pot belly’, stop the consumption of alcohol.
Avoid The Daily Intake Of Sugary Foods
Health experts are not saying we should desist from the intake of sugar but rather minimize the high and frequent intake of it. Sugar holds a greater proportion in destroying the body. Sugar spikes the level of blood sugar in the body and aids in the release of insulin; a hormone produced naturally by the body which plays a vital role in the regulating of blood sugar levels. The high release of insulin could result in the storage of fat.
To avoid this, one must distance themselves from sugary foods and drinks and rather replace with soda water, bottle water, fruit juice, and others. Experts do not emphasize on putting a total stop to the intake of sugary foods and drinks rather it shouldn’t be too much. A recommended routine for such is at least twice in a week on different days.
To reduce abdominal fat or ‘pot belly’, you need to stop the consumption of sugary foods and drinks and replace with healthy foods and drinks.
Exercise Regularly

Living a sedentary lifestyle and the lack of exercise contributes to the weight gain. Sedentary lifestyles involves one not engaging in any physical activity but being at one place idle. Not walking to shorter distances, rather booking Uber for your rides all contributes to the weight gain which results in the ‘pot belly’.
The more you’re inactive, the less your body burns fat. Engaging in physical activities like running, walking, jogging, will help reduce excess fat from the body and could lower potential life threatening conditions.
Having a ‘pot belly’ is a situation you wouldn’t love to be in, one that poses you to certain health risk if care is not taken.
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