10 Best Governed Countries In Africa According To World Economics
GlobalCurrent24.com lists the ten best governed countries in Africa. The list is courtesy of World Economics. Mauritius ranks as the best-governed country in Africa, with a grade of B and an index score of 69.3.
Globally, good governance is a cornerstone for long-term prosperity and societal well-being, and many countries, including those in Africa, are actively seeking to ensure that it is done correctly.
Transparency, accountability, inclusion, and commitment to the rule of law are fundamental characteristics of good government around the world.
Concerns about governance have long been linked to Africa’s economic development challenges, a notion that gained currency in the late 1970s as African economies suffered substantial setbacks following their independence. While governance systems differ throughout African countries, leadership remains a key problem.
Given Africa’s rapidly growing population and enormous natural resources, good administration is critical for the region. Proper use of these resources has the potential to propel several African countries to the forefront of the global economy.
Despite differences in governance quality across the continent, some countries score better than others. The World Economics Governance Index provides insight into African countries’ governance performance. It assesses governance using indicators like corruption perception, rule of law, press freedom, and political rights.
The survey finds that Mauritius is the best-governed country in Africa, with a grade of B and an index score of 69.3. Namibia is in second place with an index score of 69.1, while South Africa comes in third with a score of 66.9.
Gambia, the West African country, ranked as the tenth most governed country in Africa. Gambia secured a grade of C, with a 41.1 corruption level and a 50.6 World Economics Governance index score.
Burkina Faso, also a West African country, is the ninth most governed country in Africa. The West African country which has Mali to the northwest side of its boarder and Niger to the Northeast side secured a grade C like the Gambia. Corruption level in Burkina Faso is deemed to be at 45.6 with a 51.8 World Economics Governance index score.
10 Best Governed Countries In Africa According To World Economics
Rank | Country | Grade | World Economics Governance | Corruption levels |
1 | Mauritius | B | 69.3 | 55.7 |
2 | Namibia | B | 69.1 | 54.4 |
3 | South Africa | B | 65.5 | 45.6 |
4 | Botswana | B | 65.1 | 65.6 |
5 | Ghana | B | 61.7 | 47.8 |
6 | Senegal | C | 53.6 | 47.8 |
7 | Malawi | C | 52.9 | 37.8 |
8 | Lesotho | C | 52.3 | 43.3 |
9 | Burkina Faso | C | 51.8 | 45.6 |
10 | Gambia | C | 50.6 | 41.1 |
Among the African countries ranked in the list, the bottom three worst governed countries were Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Libya.
Chad, ranked with a grade E, had its corruption level to be at 22.2 with a 23.2 World Economics Governance index score. DR Congo, the penultimate worst governed country in Africa, also secured a grade E with a 22.2 corruption level alongside a World Economic governance index score of 21.6. Libya, the worst most governed country in Africa, secured a grade E as well as index score of 15.4.
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